Amnesty International followed their October report up with another in January that claimed “KRG (Kurdistan Regional Government) forces appear to be spearheading a concerted campaign to forcibly displace Arab communities by destroying entire villages in areas they have recaptured from IS (Islamic State) in northern Iraq.” According to the report, such “forcible displacement” by the Kurdish forces “may amount to war crimes.” The report was based on the strength of testimony from “more than 100 witnesses.” This in a conflict zone that has seen the displacement of millions
Needless to say, the KRG High Committee to Evaluate and Respond to International Reports took great exception to the Amnesty report. In a sharply worded and comprehensive rejoinder issued this week, the KRG notes that the charge of ethnic cleansing is certainly a curious one given that, “more than 660,000 Arab displaced people have taken refuge in the Kurdistan Region since 2014.” Amnesty’s charge that the Peshmerga forces are “purposefully destroying Arab homes” fails to take into account that, according to the High Committee, “destroyed properties are mainly attributable to ISIS planted IEDs” and “coalition airstrikes targeting ISIS positions.” 
That the KRG’s response has garnered little in the way of media attention speaks volumes. The preferred narrative of Turkey’s friends in the West has been carefully crafted and promoted over the past couple of months. And this is as good an indication as any that the Kurds shouldn’t except much from Washington and its coalition “allies” for their pivotal contribution in the war agains ISIS.